Second trimester love

Feel empowered to navigate the shifts that occur throughout your second trimester, and connect more deeply to your body and your growing baby. Designed for active mothers-to-be who would like to continue their movement practice, this collection supports the unique needs and experiences of mid-pregnancy.

Created by Glo
26 classes • 895 mins


Level 1 20 mins

Use this 20-minute tutorial for recommendations on how to adapt your yoga practice during pregnancy. Topics include, how to secure balance, finding extra support, and what to avoid. Demonstrated poses include: Standing Forward Bend, Chair, seated twists, Bird Dog, and Locust. Understand the importance of listening to your body in order to guide you in making gentle adjustments. Disclaimer: This class is under the assumption that you have a low-risk pregnancy and your doctor or midwife has given you the green light for yoga. Props Suggested: 2-3 blankets, 2 bolsters, and 1 block.


Level 2 45 mins

This is an active prenatal class for those mammas who feel fit and healthy during their 2nd trimester (in saying that we still move at a graceful pace). Starting with meditation, we move into seated postures that tone the hips and spine. Our creative flow takes us through new pose goddess (think dancing shiva), warrior 2 (virabhadrasana), temple, wide legged forward bend (prasarita padottanasana) & triangle (trikonasana). Also strengthening squats & pelvic floor kegels. Single pigeon (eka pada raja kapotasana) for dessert :) Props Needed: A blanket and two blocks.


Level 1 45 mins

Relax and let any tension unravel with this slow-moving Yin sequence designed for women who are pregnant. Ease into seated stretches, shoulder and wrist openers, and hip circles, then settle into a sweet, restful savasana. The wall and other props will create support and structure for your body and its unique needs. Props Needed: A block, a strap, a bolster, a blanket, and wall space.


Level 1-2 60 mins

During pregnancy, some of your bodily systems can feel sluggish and out of balance. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your triple burner meridian can help you move energy and address the feeling of being stuck. Move sequentially through actions that help support intake, assimilation and elimination with this full-spectrum Yin-based practice. Stir up your energy with a series of poses like butterfly, sleeping swan and saddle, using props as delicious support. Props Needed: Two blocks, a blanket and a bolster.


Level 1-2 10 mins

During pregnancy, your hands, wrists and forearms can feel tired and sore. This short, yet effective sequence focuses on poses that stretch and open those areas while delivering an overall practice that doesn't require weight bearing on your hands. Move through a series of hip openers, as well as dolphin and gate pose. All postures are done low to the ground, without a single downward-facing dog! Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 10 mins

In preparation for child birth, your body can become more lax and supple. This class aims to maintain and build strength especially in your lower body. Using modifications to accommodate your growing belly, flow through leg strengthening poses like chair, extended side angle and warrior II. Get a nice side body opening with trikonasana before cooling down with a seated shoulder opener. Move into the rest of your day with grace. Props Needed: A block.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Pregnancy is a time when your senses are heightened, your body is strong, and your will is even stronger! It's a time to step into your strength as a woman and a creator. Empower yourself from the inside out with this energizing flow. Challenge yourself to tap into your inner warrior through standing poses, upper body strengthening and hip openers. Revisit this class throughout your pregnancy, to remind yourself how powerful you really are!


Level 1-2 5 mins

It only takes a few moments to start feeling a shift in energy, once you stop to pay attention. Take a seat, breathe deep and enjoy a few delicious poses to soothe neck and shoulder tightness. Perfect for a quick break in your office chair to release any stagnation or muscular build up from working on your computer. Walk away ready to continue the rest of your day with more space and ease. Props Needed: A block and a blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Sleep becomes a bit illusive during pregnancy. Between the sore hips, bathroom trips and racing mind, a good night's sleep can be hard to find. From hip openers, standing poses and full body stretches to meditation, a restorative pose and savasana. A practice that has everything you need to help you catch some zzzs! Props Needed: A bolster, a block and a blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Four delicious restorative poses to pamper your pregnant body with an emphasis on release and support for your hips, spine, and digestive system. End with a guided relaxation in your final pose, which focuses on your body's major energy centers. Props Needed: Two blocks, a bolster and a blanket.


Level 1-2 45 mins

With this soothing flow, you will bring a sense of ease to your spine with a variety of poses to bring release and length. You'll start the class with some restorative postures, then build to a standing pose sequence that takes you back down to the earth for some finishing stretches. Props Needed: A bolster, a blanket and a block.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Let it go and let it flow. Boost your lower body circulation with unique toe, ankle, foot and calf stretches. The targeted standing poses will open your hips, legs, psoas and IT band. Props Needed: A block and a blanket.


Level 1-2 60 mins

An all-trimesters class designed to be all encompassing for the days when you want a little bit of everything. Many of the common head-to-toe discomforts will be addressed with the goal of refreshing and rejuvenating your ever changing pregnant body. Props Needed: A block, a strap and a blanket. - Props Suggested: A bolster.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Gentle prenatal class predominately consisting of seated postures and slow meditative movements to celebrate and make space for baby while mamma has limited energy. Enjoy a long guided meditation followed by seated postures focusing on neck, shoulders, arms hips and legs. Try 'circle of protection' standing arm circles and dancing with your baby throughout. Blessings Mammas! Prop Needed: A blanket.


Level 2 30 mins

As you progress in your pregnancy, your front body gets over stretched and your back body gets over used. A fluid class to bring more awareness and openness to your side body. Start with seated spinal rolls, shoulder mobility in gate pose (parighasana) and modified sun salutations (surya namaskar) with upper body twists. Build strength with standing half moon and finish with a wide legged side stretch and cobbler's pose. Props Needed: A block and a blanket.


Level 1 20 mins

This class is appropriate for all phases of your pregnancy and will support you as a quick fix to check in, move your body, and love your life! We stick to simple poses for a soothing practice. You will need a blanket and a block for this class.


Level 2 45 mins

Welcome to your Golden Trimester! You have most likely adjusted to your pregnancy and you are probably ready to work a little harder. If that is the case this class is for you. A slightly faster paced flow with modified vinyasas and strong standing poses. Props required: 2 blocks, 1 bolster, 1 blanket.


Level 2 30 mins

A prenatal flow to help you stay active and strong in your mind and body throughout your second trimester. Move through a series of toning exercises to stretch your body and challenge your stamina. Begin with Sun Salutations, Squats, and Plies, then Donkey Kicks, Crab Walks, and Push-Ups. Finish with a glute series followed by Arm Dancing, and a relaxing cool-down. Props Suggested: 2-3 lb. hand weights, a resistance band. *Note: this routine is for previously active moms, not for first-timers.


Level 2 45 mins

This Vinyasa class is for yogis with an established practice who are in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy. Tap into your innate strength through this flow that includes dynamic Lunges, Warrior II, Figure Four Chair, and Half Moon. Finish with relaxing hip-opening stretches and Savasana. Props Required: 1 strap, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, and 1 bolster.


Level 1 15 mins

In this lecture, Ivorie shares her birthing story and how her practice supported her through this transformative experience by reframing her mind with the teachings of non-attachment (Vairagya) and acceptance (Santosha). Learn how to use your yoga practice to surrender to the unpredictable aspect of giving birth.


Level 1-2 20 mins

A gentle second-trimester prenatal yoga-Pilates fusion that provides you with feel-good full-body movement to tone and stretch safely. This invigorating sequence includes Sun Salutations with standing postures then moves into lots of glute activation plus arm exercises. Finish with a satisfying stretch to wring it out. Props Suggested: 1-2 lb. arm weights, and/or ankle weights. Props Required: a chair.


Level 1-2 30 mins

A stretchy, strength-building Kundalini practice with modification offered throughout so it can be done at any point in pregnancy. Glow from the inside out as you move through modified Sun Salutations that peak in Crescent Moon and Goddess poses with dynamic arm movement. End your practice chanting Long Sat Nam. Props Suggested: a cushion or blanket to sit on.


Level 2 45 mins

This strengthening prenatal yoga class follows steady, supported movement to make space for your baby and prepare for labor. Ease into your practice with side bends and neck stretches, then practice Sun Salutations with Warrior II, Triangle, and squats before finishing in seated meditation. This class was previously aired on February 1, 2022. Props Required: 2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 bolster, and wall space. Please Note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This prenatal Vinyasa class offers movement, meditation, and breathwork to support you in pregnancy and is suitable for those in second or third trimesters. With modifications offered throughout, begin with a seated upper-body sequence, then flow through a Plank series, Sun Salutations, Chair Pose, core work, and Bow Pose. Finish in Supta Baddha Konasana feeling the benefits of your practice. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class was previously aired on February 8, 2022. Props Suggested: a strap (or towel) and 2 blocks. Props Suggested: a blanket and bolster.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This prenatal practice focuses on strengthening your pelvic floor in preparation for birth and postpartum. Enjoy feel-good movement and restorative postures that help you wind down and ease tension. Flow through Sun Salutations and Squats, then release into supported Supta Virasana and Supta Baddha Konasana. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class was previously aired on February 22, 2022. Props Required: 2 blocks, a blanket, strap, and bolster.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Build a solid foundation to support your baby by maximizing full-body strength. Turn up the heat with Push Up variations, Side Plank, Sun Salutations, Side Angle Pose, Goddess Squats, and Bow Pose, then finish in a restorative Supta Baddha Konasana. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class was previously aired on February 15, 2022. Props Required: 2 blocks, 1-2 blankets, and 1 bolster. Props Suggested: 1 strap.

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