Kundalini Yoga classes

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Utilizes movement, sound, breath and meditation to relax and restore your mind and body while improving strength, flexibility and endurance.

Master yourself and awaken your full potential using the science of Kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga utilizes movement, sound, breath, and meditation to relax and restore your mind and body while improving strength, flexibility, and endurance. This powerfully effective form of yoga stimulates the immune, nervous, and glandular systems, helping to bring you back into true harmony. It is a sacred and scientific technology that enables you to access and realize your own creative energy to unlock your potential and elevate your consciousness. In these classes you will experience techniques for self-development to generate profound and lasting advancement. These classes are for everyone.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This Kundalini practice features the Power to the Heart Kriya to get your energy moving, set you up for a great day, and keep you wanting to come back over and over. Move through a dynamic standing warm-up, then Squats, Body Drops, Table Pose, and Cobra Pose lead into a five-minute chant (Ong So Hung), which clears negativity and creates a clear and receptive mind. This class previously aired on July 24, 2024.


Level 2 45 mins

Tune into inner peace and calm throughout this Kundalini class that guides you through a Heart and Soul Kriya. Warm up with traditional Surya Namaskar C (Sun Salutation C), practice Stroke Breath, and awaken the navel and heart with core work, Squats, Cat/Cow, and dynamic Vajrasana. You’ll finish with a mantra song, Sohung, which is an excellent way to explore the power of chanting if you’re new to the practice. This class previously aired on July 17, 2024.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Create a deep state of peace and clarity in this Kundalini practice that guides you through Heart Connection Kriya, a series of simple exercises with powerful breathwork and meditative postures. Move through an energizing yet relaxing sequence with Spinal Twist, Cat/Cow, Down Dog, Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Breath of Fire, Child’s Pose, and dynamic core work while exploring inner connection, acknowledging and embracing all aspects of yourself. This class previously aired on July 10, 2024.


Level 2 45 mins

This energizing Kundalini class strengthens your back, opens your spine, and moves stagnant energy. Though slightly challenging, you’ll explore how to offer yourself kindness and feel accomplished upon finishing. Move through Lunge, Side Angle, Cobra, and Salabhasana (Locust Pose), then practice Breath of Fire, peak in Wheel Pose, and elevate your energy in Squat with dynamic arm movements. This class previously aired on July 3, 2024.


Level 2 60 mins

This Kundalini practice leaves you radiating after moving through an uplifting kriya. Start with rapid Alternate Nostril Breath leading into the Kriya To Energize The Self, including standing twists, forward folds, knee lifts, navel work, and squats. You’ll finish feeling inspired, activated, and “on”! This class previously aired on June 26, 2024. This is the final class in Kia’s four-class Solar Activation Series, designed to coincide with summer solstice energy. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Solar Activation Series: Illuminate — June 5, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Emerge — June 12, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Unite — June 19, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Radiate — June 26, 2024


Level 2 45 mins

This strong, energizing practice features three powerful Kundalini kriyas, blending breathwork and navel strengthening to balance stress and increase clarity for intuition and better decision-making. Start with Cat/Cow, Down Dog, Plank, Cobra, and Archer Pose, leading into Pran Dhara Kriya (a breath kriya), Nabhi Kriya (a stimulating navel kriya), and then end with breathwork. This class previously aired on June 19, 2024. This is the third class in Kia’s four-class Solar Activation Series, designed to coincide with summer solstice energy. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Solar Activation Series: Illuminate — June 5, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Emerge — June 12, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Unite — June 19, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Radiate — June 26, 2024


Level 2 45 mins

This Kundalini practice guides you through Sun Energy Kriya to bring you from darkness to light while fostering an enthusiastic, action-driven mentality. Start with Sun Salutations, then a short Breath of Fire sequence leads into Bow Pose, navel strengthening, King Cobra, spinal rolls, and standing on toes. You’ll finish feeling grounded, purified, and expansive. This class previously aired on June 12, 2024. This is the second class in Kia’s four-class Solar Activation Series, designed to coincide with summer solstice energy. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Solar Activation Series: Illuminate — June 5, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Emerge — June 12, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Unite — June 19, 2024 Solar Activation Series: Radiate — June 26, 2024


Level 1-2 30 mins

Release blockages in your body throughout this invigorating class that dissolves stagnation, activates navel energy, and leaves you uplifted. Explore a brisk-paced Kundalini sequence with a seated prana-building pose, Paint The Aura technique, dynamic movements, Stretch Pose, and Tree Pose. This class previously aired on April 24, 2024. This is the final class in Kia’s four-class Elevate Energy Series. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Elevate Energy Series: Spring Fever — April 3, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Core Power — April 10, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: System Overhaul — April 17, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Transmute & Transcend — April 24, 2024


Level 2 60 mins

This invigorating, long-form class revamps your entire being. Warm up with Sun Salutations, activate your core with Breath Of Fire linked with dynamic poses, peak in Ashtang Agni Kriya (an eight-fold Spiritual Fire Kriya that burns stagnant energy), then finish with a 15-minute breath relaxation. It’s a great, all-around practice to repeat once a week to refresh lymph and balance the nervous system. This class previously aired on April 17, 2024. This is the third class in Kia’s four-class Elevate Energy Series. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Elevate Energy Series: Spring Fever — April 3, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Core Power — April 10, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: System Overhaul — April 17, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Transmute & Transcend — April 24, 2024


Level 2 60 mins

Progress through a slow, deep burn in this powerful class that focuses on the navel to reclaim your energy and build vitality. Flow through a core-focused kriya with potent poses, including Squats, Warrior III, Crescent, Bow, and Camel, then finish with breathwork to charge your heart and clear your mind. This class previously aired on April 10, 2024. This is the second class in Kia’s four-class Elevate Energy Series. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Elevate Energy Series: Spring Fever — April 3, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Core Power — April 10, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: System Overhaul — April 17, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Transmute & Transcend — April 24, 2024


Level 2 30 mins

As winter transitions into spring, this nurturing Kundalini practice shifts your state and alleviates sluggishness to match springtime energy. Start with slow, strengthening Sun Salutations, then move into a kriya with dynamic movements, Archer Pose, Cobra to Up Dog, and a seated meditation with Four-Part Breath to finish supercharged. This class previously aired on April 3, 2024. This is the first class in Kia’s four-class Elevate Energy Series. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Elevate Energy Series: Spring Fever — April 3, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Core Power — April 10, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: System Overhaul — April 17, 2024 Elevate Energy Series: Transmute & Transcend — April 24, 2024


Level 2 30 mins

Simply feel great after taking this class that shakes off sluggishness, sheds stagnation, and builds prana (vital life force). Start with energizing standing dynamic movements, then sit for a profound mudra kriya (Uttar Kriya) that focuses prana at the heart center for vitality. This class previously aired on March 27, 2024. This is the final class in Kia’s 8-class Chakra Series. This series is designed as a weekly progression, with each class intended for one week at a time. We recommend completing one class each week, practicing at least once before moving on to the next class. Class air dates from this series: Chakra Series: Ground & Stabilize — February 7, 2024 Chakra Series: Sweet Freedom — February 14, 2024 Chakra Series: Build Inner Fire — February 21, 2024 Chakra Series: Open Heart — February 28, 2024 Chakra Series: Purifying Sound & Breath — March 6, 2024 Chakra Series: Clear Your Mind — March 13, 2024 Chakra Series: Open to Miracles — March 20, 2024 Chakra Series: Your Energetic Field — March 27, 2024

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