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Energizing Prenatal Vinyasa - Preview

Ivorie Jenkins teacher avatar
Prenatal with Ivorie Jenkins
Level 1-2 - 45 mins
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Build a solid foundation to support your baby by maximizing full-body strength. Turn up the heat with Push Up variations, Side Plank, Sun Salutations, Side Angle Pose, Goddess Squats, and Bow Pose, then finish in a restorative Supta Baddha Konasana. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class was previously aired on February 15, 2022. Props Required: 2 blocks, 1-2 blankets, and 1 bolster. Props Suggested: 1 strap.







Strap, bolster, 2 blankets & 2 blocks




45 minutes