Hatha yoga flows & sequences

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Foundational yoga for beginners and advanced practitioners.

Hatha yoga is often slower moving than a Vinyasa yoga practice, but it can be challenging, stimulating, or soft, depending on the circumstances. The integration of breath while holding poses for long periods of time with intention and relaxation comprise this branch of practice that encompasses and integrates many forms.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Explore a foundational theme in yoga, “Root to Rise,” that helps you build stability, strength, and connection with the earth. Flow slowly and steadily through Chair Pose, Pyramid, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior, Tree Pose, and Bridge while grounding down to feel elevated and expanded. This class previously aired on July 26, 2024.


Level 2 60 mins

This strong, playful Hatha practice features side-bending postures and deep backbends to activate your midline and find your innermost length. Move through an expansive sequence with Parighasana (Gate Pose), Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Marichyasana (Seated Twist), and Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall) to finish feeling easeful in body and mind. This class previously aired on July 25, 2024.


Level 2 45 mins

This Hatha class is all about moving slowly and steadily to notice the little things. You’ll fine-tune your mind-body connection, build isometric strength, and increase physical awareness. Flow through a thoughtful sequence with Chair Pose, Crescent Lunge, Side Plank, Revolved Crescent, Triangle, and Pigeon Pose. This class previously aired on July 23, 2024.


Level 1-2 20 mins

This Hatha class guides you to flow freely through various flexions and extensions of the spine and other joints, increasing flexibility and leading you to feel supple. Using a block and strap, practice Half Split, Warrior II, Triangle, Extended Side Angle, and Half Moon, then move to the floor for Seated Forward Fold and Reclined Twist. This class previously aired on July 21, 2024.


Level 2-3 45 mins

To rejuvenate your mind, this Hatha class helps you realize your power to release what isn’t serving you and what isn’t yours. Practice letting your brain rest and soften through a steady, strong standing sequence with lots of core strengthening and hip openers. Postures include Plank, Trikonasana (Triangle), Ardha Chandra Chapasana (Bound Half Moon), Warrior II, Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Parighasana (Gate Pose), and Compass Pose. This class previously aired on July 15, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

This focused Hatha practice helps you achieve proper alignment in your yoga postures. Begin with Hatha Lunge Salute, then explore standing postures, including Warrior I, Pyramid, and Revolved Triangle, before finding strength in Side Plank, Boat Pose, and Crow Pose. Round out with Camel Pose and Seated Forward Fold, then land in Savasana. This class previously aired on July 12, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Nurture your hips, lower back, and glutes in this slow, relaxing Hatha practice. It’s excellent post-workout or anytime this area of your body needs extra attention, and variations are offered to welcome shapes for everyone. Enjoy Humble Warrior, Pigeon, Gomukhasana, Straddle, Happy Baby, and more hip-opening poses. This class previously aired on July 12, 2024.


Level 1-2 20 mins

Claim your life force, get grounded, and stabilize yourself in this simple yet strong standing sequence. It’s a perfect go-to strengthening practice when you’re short on time. You’ll move through Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), Upavista Konasana (Wide-Angle Forward fold), Trikonasana (Triangle), Warrior II, Parsvakonasana (Side Angle), Vrksasana (Tree Pose), Warrior I, and Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose). This class previously aired on July 8, 2024.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This foundational practice helps your body regain alignment within the simplicity of classical Hatha yoga poses. Start with Hatha Lunge Salutations, explore a series of standing postures, including Pyramid, Revolved Triangle, and Warrior III, then move to the floor for Boat Pose, Plough Pose, Fish Pose, and Reclined Twist before ending in Savasana. This class previously aired on July 5, 2024.


Level 2 10 mins

This brisk sequence gently opens your shoulders to unwind tension and leave you refreshed. Explore a range of yoga postures and somatic release for your shoulders, including flexion, extension, and adduction (inward motions). This class previously aired on July 4, 2024.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Here’s your relaxing antidote to a long, stressful day. Enjoy a mellow sequence of reclined and seated hip openers, twists, and shoulder openers, including Happy Baby, Reclined Twist, Lizard Lunge with a side bend, Pigeon Pose, and Gomukhasana. This class previously aired on July 8, 2024.


Level 1-2 20 mins

This soothing Hatha sequence is full of hip and shoulder openers to prepare your body for your seated meditation practice. It’s also perfect for unwinding tension from a stressful day. Move slowly through seated side bends, Lizard Lunge, Anjaneyasana, Down Dog, Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold, Gomukhasana, and Ardha Matseyendrasana (Seated Twist). This class previously aired on July 1, 2024.

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