Yoga for lower back pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common issues among adults, especially those with busy lifestyles. With our wide variety of yoga for lower back pain, you can gain relief from this constant discomfort and heal your body through a series of yoga flows that target the muscle groups that support the spine. Take some time out of your day to practice self care and begin your journey to a pain-free life with Glo’s yoga classes for lower back pain.

Created by Glo
9 classes • 278 mins


Level 1-2 30 mins

Muscular low back tightness can sometimes be helped through alternate strategies. By focusing lower in the kinetic chain (hips and hamstrings) we make more space for the low back to relax. This gentle class focuses on easygoing hip and hamstring opening that leads up to standing Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana. Props needed: Strap and 2 blocks.


Level 1 30 mins

Work desk stress is real, and it affects more than just your mind. Pain can also show up in your lower-back. Here’s a restorative sequence to support and strengthen weak spots and mobilize stiffness. Begin with simple spinal decompression exercises, then counter-balance with core work. Feel relief in the lower back, sacrum and hips. This uniquely supported Savasana allows you to emerge soothed, strong and ready. Required Props: 2 blocks, blanket, bolster or towel.


Level 1 30 mins

A practice designed to provide relief for mild, non-acute back-pain. The sequence emphasizes keeping a neutral position in your back and pelvis while encouraging your legs and hips to move through their full range of motion. Encourage circulation and breath in your lower back while minimizing movements that may agitate your back. Elongate your spine and release tension in your back-body. Great as a regular practice to maintain a healthy, comfortable back for those that are prone to this type of discomfort. Props Needed: A chair, a strap and a blanket.


Level 1 20 mins

A short sequence to use concentrated technique to help clear low back pain. The information contained on YogaGlo's website is of a general nature and cannot be a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. We urge you to consult with a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any physical activity, regimen, routine, program or exercise that may be presented in these materials. YogaGlo does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Breathe new life into your lower body with a delicious spectrum of hamstring, core and lower back poses. Bring more freedom and ease in your body, so you can shine more brightly. Walk away feeling strong, open, and uplifted. Great if you need a gentle yet totally fortifying practice. Props Needed: A block and a blanket.


Level 1-2 60 mins

This practice is meant for those with chronic but still functional lower back pain to help improve and prevent future issues. It is a simple vinyasa flow that targets key areas to help balance the musculature of the lower back. <span class="legaldisclamer">The information contained on YogaGlo's website is of a general nature and cannot be a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. We urge you to consult with a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any physical activity, regimen, routine, program or exercise that may be presented in these materials. YogaGlo does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine.</span>


Level 1 20 mins

A relaxing class that teaches simple, restorative poses to relieve tension and stiffness in the lower back. Students learn Supta Padangusthasana, Parivrtta Padangusthasana, and Ardha Uttanasana, each assisted with a chair for added support. Props required: chair, 1 blanket or cushion, and a belt.


Level 1-2 20 mins

Rest in a series of restorative poses that soothe the lower back. Surrender and let your props take over in supported versions of downward dog, urdhva dhanurasana, child's pose, and savasana III (also known as Stonehenge). Props Needed: Two blocks, two blankets, and a bolster.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This class is geared towards the third trimester of your pregnancy and relieving the common low back pain that comes with such rapid changes in the body. This is for any level of student that wants to learn how to correct and release tension in the back. It is a sweet sequence that will recover some movement in your tight and stiff lower back. We will begin with 2 wide legged seated poses then move through simple and soothing hip openers and standing poses. You will feel better after this class! You will need 2 blocks and a blanket.

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