- 2 blocks,
- 2 bolsters,
- 2 blankets,
- chair,
- strap,
- wall space
Week 1
If you experience hot flashes or night sweats, this class will help you cool yourself down. Find some relief with a restorative posture to open, then practice cooling and soothing Sitali Pranayama (breathwork). Explore some slow and easy forward folds and twists, then rest in Supported Supta Baddha Konasana. Props needed: Two blocks, a strap, two bolsters, and a blanket.
This slow and steady sequence will help you de-stress and ease your mind. Begin with lion's breath to release tension, then find your focus in balance poses like tree and warrior III. You'll conclude with a meditative drishti practice using your block to support a comfortable seat. Props Needed: A block.
Lull yourself into a calm and quiet state to invite a deeply restful sleep. This tranquil practice starts you off in a dreamy downward-facing savasana. You'll slowly transition to a variety of sleepy supported postures, like child's pose, bridge, and simple twists, then end in a rejuvenating legs up the wall. Props Needed: A bolster, two blankets, a block, and wall space.
Week 2
It's common to experience anxious feelings during this change in life. When we can practice allowing and accepting them, they often begin to quiet. This class emphasizes ease over effort, using a chair to support you in simple twists, hamstring stretches, and plow pose, then ending in the serenity of supported savasana. Props Needed: A chair, a bolster, and a blanket.
Gently awaken a feeling of joy with this uplifting series of heart-opening, prop-assisted poses. Create energy and lightness with Viloma Pranayama (breathwork), then ease into expansive supine postures, backbends, and Shoulderstand. Props Needed: A bolster, two blankets, a block, and a chair. Props Suggested: A strap.
Get your daily dose of confidence with this everyday strengthening practice. Full of simple, accessible core work, you'll amplify your inner power and get a boost of positivity. Begin with pelvic tilts and cat/cows, then explore a variety of plank and bridge variations before soaking in the energy you've generated in savasana. Props Needed: Two blocks and a blanket. Props Suggested: An extra mat.

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