Week 1
Good morning and welcome! Bring balance to your body with this program designed to help you experience your best day ever. Begin your week long journey today with sequencing focused on side body and core activation. Set your intention this morning and commit to integrating yoga into your daily life, so you can see what a positive influence it can have on the world around you. Let's get moving!
Take your poses from your last class to the next level. Stoke your fire with more side body bending and core work. Remain diligent with lunges, and stay focused in your effort through hip openers and twists. The break through may happen today, tomorrow or next week so don't give up because you never know how close you may be to freedom.
Upgrade from yesterday with this class full of side body work, lunges and thigh/hip openers. Notice your sense of fullness and satisfaction as you progress through this program. The deeper into your practice you go, the more you decrease your likes/dislikes, which is liberation and unleashes a higher intelligence for better interactions, choices, and experience.
Come in and do your work on you! Take care of yourself today with more side body lengthening, twists, and quad/thigh work. When you're feeling balanced and strong then you're more available to be of service to others in life. Pick up the pace and wake up a little quicker today with a sequence that builds. You're more than halfway!
In today's class we're going to up level key poses you've already been working on. Strive for sattva (light energy) in twists, lunges and hip openers. Let the power of intention, focus, detachment and service cultivate your sattvic nature within the challenge of this flow as well as through the ups and downs of your day. Props Suggested: A blanket.
The more sophisticated the mind, the more sophisticated the problems. Become skillful at boiling the moment down to its simplest form, to access the purest experience. This will help you interface clearly and appropriately with yourself in your practice and with others. Practice core work, triangle, and standing balance poses without judgement or expectation, accessing a deeper and more accurate moment. Props Needed: A block.
You've made it, yoga warrior! Today, practice the deepest variations of the postures you've been working on all week. Learn to see yourself in everyone, realizing that then nothing else in necessary. Conflict with another is an expression of conflict within yourself. Deal with your inner conflict. Seeing yourself in everyone cultivates compassion and dissolves fear, which equals freedom!

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