Week 1
In this first class, we'll use tea tree and orange essential oils in a practice designed to help you feel protected and complete. Inhale the scent of tea tree to help you create clear boundaries, then flow mindfully through a series of twisting and lengthening poses. Close with a meditation using the scent of wild orange to release any sense of lack.
Use the scents of peppermint and orange to release heaviness and open your heart. Begin with peppermint oil to open your airways and find the buoyancy to float into balancing postures like warrior III and ardha chandrasana. Wind down with backbends, twists, and a meditation on expanding into joy, led by the scent of wild orange.
Find clarity with a class utilizing lemon and rosemary essential oils. Begin with the scent of lemon to dispel any confusion or fatigue, then maintain your focus through a series of balancing and contemplative poses with dynamic transitions. Finish with a side bend and a forward fold, then enhance your trust in your own intelligence with a meditation guided by the scent of rosemary.
Week 2
Include the scents of rosemary and frankincense in your practice to develop the capacity to listen deeply within. Start with rosemary essential oil to connect with your innate intelligence then flow through sun salutations with attention on your breathing. Maintain your inward focus through balancing and twisting poses, then wind down with a forward fold and the smell of frankincense during a meditation to release self-doubt.
Allow the essences of frankincense and fir to infuse your practice with a sense of devotion. Open with frankincense oil to connect to reverence and truth, then move with intention through a series of twisting poses and backbends. Close with a meditation accentuated by the scent of fir to release attachment and amplify respect.
Our final practice incorporates orange and frankincense essential oils to help you feel content and complete. Inhale the scent of orange to open your practice with a reminder of your wholeness, then flow through sun salutations, standing balance poses, twists, and heart openers. Rest in savasana before completing your practice with a meditation guided by frankincense, remembering that you have everything you need within you.

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