Week 1
This well-rounded vinyasa practice focuses on keeping your core strong and your attention grounded, so you can stay steady all week long. Begin with sun salutations with plank variations, flow through core-engaging balancing poses and twists, then lift into bakasana and parsva bakasana before a calming seated meditation.
Don't let stress tie you up in knots. This comprehensive flow will help to strengthen and open your hips, so you can move through life feeling free and easy. You'll create some space right away with supta padangusthasana, integrate hip-opening poses throughout your flow, then get a final stretch in pigeon before a five-minute meditation.
Week 2
If this week's to-do list is weighing heavy, this practice will help to free up your shoulders. Begin with some stretches for your arms and shoulders before flowing through dolphin, ardha chandrasana chapasana, and humble warrior to continue releasing tension. Close with a seated meditation to anchor your practice.
Think of this complete vinyasa practice as your magic bullet to help you stay sane, happy, and healthy. Use your core to flow through hip-opening sun salutations with shoulder mobility variations, then release low to the ground to prepare for a five-minute closing meditation.

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