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Jump from Down Dog Into Bhujapidasana - Preview

Dice Iida-Klein teacher avatar
Vinyasa Flow with Dice Iida-Klein
Level 3 - 30 mins
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Bhujapidasana (shoulder pressure pose) is a tough pose by itself. Trying to jump from downward facing dog into bhujapidasana is even crazier! We first warm up the inner groins, hamstrings and hips via prasarita padotanasana (wide-legged standing fold), variations of malasana (garland pose) and lizard lunge variations. From there we use a blanket to begin to feel what it's like to use our core to slow our jump down from downdog to our hands. A few different exercises are given on how to end up around the hands with your knees on your shoulders. This is a hard one, my fellow yogis!











30 minutes