Week 1
Let's begin with the basics of Ashtanga Yoga: breath, gaze, movement, and observation. We'll build Surya Namasakars (Sun Salutations) from the ground up, then lie on our backs for a moment of observation and connection to our breath, all leading into a nice Savasana.
Building on the sun salutations we learned in our first class, let's ease into downward facing dog. Next, we'll practice standing poses like triangle and extended side angle before coming down to the mat for bridge pose and savasana. Props Suggested: A block.
Now that you're getting more comfortable with the flow, we'll add a standing sequence that includes balancing in tree pose. Keep your focus and your breathing steady then enjoy unwinding with a seated forward fold and twists. Props Suggested: A block and a strap.
This time we'll add another layer to our surya namaskara sequence by adding in seated poses to provide further grounding. Flow steadily through these now-familiar postures before coming down to the mat for seated forward bends and the hip opener, cobbler's pose.
Our final class is slightly longer, incorporating everything you've learned to build one consistent practice that can be repeated on a regular basis. Flow through surya namaskara to warm yourself up for triangle, extended side angle, and tree pose. Then, come down to the mat for staff pose, a seated twist, navasana, cobbler's pose, bridge, and a well-earned savasana.

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