Take Online Classes with Divya Balakrishnan

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Become a Glo member today. With thousands of classes for every interest, experience level and schedule, all taught by world-class teachers, we make it easy to integrate yoga and meditation into your daily life.

Divya Balakrishnan is a yoga educator who began her journey with yoga as a child. She received her RYT-200 certification from Hot Spot Yoga in Oakland, CA, and has a Bachelor’s degree in Art Practice and a Bachelor’s degree in Theater & Performance Studies from UC Berkeley.

Having experienced the skills that yoga provides firsthand, Divya breaks down yogic techniques in a way that is transferable off the mat, turning a practice into a lifestyle. As a digital nomad, she ensures her classes can be done anywhere to assist students in establishing a daily practice even while traveling. Her classes range from vigorous, strengthening Vinyasa flows to restorative practices focused on building a strong mind-body connection and a solid foundation. When on the mat with Divya, expect thorough and inclusive instruction while being challenged in unexpected ways.

Divya is passionate about celebrating diversity and advocates for collective wellness as a form of social justice. As a Tamil-American, she never saw herself represented in the industry born out of her own culture and vowed to change that one day. Divya’s classes incorporate philosophy, martial forms, pranayama, asana, mudras, and ensure that students experience the traditions of yoga as it was intended – holistically. She hopes her efforts help people surpass their perceived limitations and discover their inner spark.

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Level 2 30 mins

Quiet your mind and tune into physical sensations while moving through this powerful Vinyasa practice that incorporates balance, flow, and heart openers. Highlights include Sun Salutations, Chair Pose, Half Moon, Camel Pose, and Warrior. This class previously aired on May 16, 2024.


Level 1 10 mins

This guided Mindfulness meditation uses your breath to amplify awareness within your body, one area at a time. Depending on your needs and approach, it’s a perfect practice for boosting energy in the morning or relaxing before bed. This class previously aired on May 15, 2024.


Level 1-2 20 mins

This relaxing Vinyasa flow opens your hips, stretches your spine, and helps to relieve tightness with Pigeon Pose, Forward Fold, and Side Lunge. It’s perfect for the end of your day or to unwind tension whenever needed. This class previously aired on May 9, 2024.

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