Love Your Knees

The classes in this Collection will help you learn how to work with sensitive knees or knee pain. Some offer modifications that you can take with you into any class, empowering you to explore and deepen your practice. It also offers classes to help take care of your knees for sustained health and injury prevention.

Created by Glo
15 classes • 395 mins


Level 1 10 mins

If you are working with a chronic knee injury, this tutorial will cover essential alignment tips for practicing safe knee health. Learn to modify some of the poses that are most challenged by a knee injury, including warrior II, janu sirsasana, pigeon, and ardha bhekasana along with some alignment pointers for the feet and hips. Props Suggested: Two blocks.


Level 1 15 mins

If you need to loosen up and protect your knees while riding, this practice will warm up your legs with self massage and gentle beginner stretches. Move through some stretches for your IT band and practice knee stabilizers combined with poses to open through your hips. Free up knee tension and feel the difference on and off your bike.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Learn to listen to your body and tone the ligaments of your knees slowly and safely. Using a rolled-up yoga mat, or rolled-up towels, or even a bed pillow rolled in a towel, you'll do a repetitive, careful alignment exercise to ensure that the muscles of your legs are evenly firing, as well as some standing and seated postures to help you feel the four corners of your feet and tone your leg muscles. Props Needed: An extra yoga mat or a blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Learn to manage hyper-extension in your knees by working skillfully with your feet, quadriceps and hamstrings. Explore ways to do more than simply micro-bending your knees when working with hyper-extension. In particular, this class troubleshoots some common postures that exacerbate hyper-extension such as triangle pose, pyramid pose, standing forward bends and seated forward bends. Also great if you are without hyper-extension and want to improve the alignment and strength of your legs.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This lecture, demonstration, and quick practice will help you understand the mechanics of knee pain and troubleshoot common challenges with the front of the knees in yoga. Learn short and long term strategies to support healthy knees then break down poses that can trigger discomfort like bridge, bow, and natarajasana.


Level 1-2 20 mins

In this class, we focus on creating elasticity in the lower quads, achilles, gastrocnemius, and tibialis posterior. With an emphasis on virasana and an intention to lengthen and strengthen soft tissues around the knees, this class will also focus on ankle elasticity. Props Needed: A block, blanket, strap, and wall space. Prop Suggested: A bolster.


Level 1 30 mins

Protect and strengthen the soft tissue around your knees while aligning the joints. This class moves slowly and steadily with a focus on alignment, using the wall and a block for support. You'll build strength in the thighs while learning proper knee placement in a variety of lunges, and work with flexibility in virasana. Props Needed: Wall space and a block.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Learn how to work carefully and intelligently in standing and seated postures so your knees feel good in every pose. Knees are such a critical part of your anatomy, but until something goes awry, you're likely to ignore they even exist. With age and exercise, it's not uncommon for knees to suffer. Maintain good form and alignment in yoga to get the most out of your practice.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This practice is designed to protect challenged knees and help you maintain safe alignment. Explore a variety of familiar poses with a newfound emphasis on foot and leg activation. Feel greater stability as you strengthen and stretch the area around the knees, with plenty of modifications offered throughout. Props Needed: A blanket and wall space.


Level 1-2 30 mins

A slow-paced practice for knees that need a little extra TLC. This class teaches how to engage your knees for added support in Down Dog and Tadasana, while also protecting them in more challenging poses like Lunges, Warriors, and Bridge. Today is day 5 of Glo's 30-Day-At-Home Yoga Challenge and this class was previously streamed on January 5, 2021.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Learn to bring more awareness to the lower half of your body in order to move safely and comfortably both on and off of the mat. This educational class combines lecture and demonstration of key concepts such as rotating and folding your ankles and realigning your knees and hips. You'll also practice entering poses like trikonasana, warrior II, janu sirsasana, and baddha konasana with intention.


Level 1 10 mins

A quick tutorial-style class that uses the simple seated posture Dandasana, or Staff Pose to demonstrate how to safely extend the knee joint. This anatomical teaching will benefit your alignment in many poses so that you can practice with safety and longevity. Learn how to use props and the wall to deepen your practice. Props Required: 1 blanket, a wall, 2 straps.


Level 1 10 mins

A quick tutorial-style class that uses the postures Virasana, Dandasana, Janu Sirsasana, and Baddha Konasana to demonstrate how to safely flex the knee joint. This anatomical teaching will benefit your alignment in many poses so that you can practice with safety and longevity. Props Required: 1 strap, 1 rolled sock or hand towel, 1 bolster, 1-2 blankets, 1 block.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This workshop-style class explores healthy knee flexion and extension using seated and standing postures. Begin by warming up the knees in supported Virasana, then safely work flexion and extension into them in a variety of poses including Warrior 2, Parsvottanasana, Parighasana, and Janu Sirsasana. Finish with supported Baddha Konasana and Savasana. Props Required: 1 bolster, 1 blanket, 1 belt, 1 block.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Learn how to identify and alleviate knee pain using specific poses in your practice. Begin with a discussion on how to recognize and respond to knee pain, then follow along with a variety of poses like Pigeon, Half-Lotus, Full-Lotus that can all help to alleviate knee pain. Tune in to how your lower body feels and learn how it is connected to prevent discomfort in your practice. Props Suggested: 1 bolster, 1 blanket.

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