Self-care for Caregivers

Created by Glo
8 classes • 224 mins


Level 2 60 mins

This practice is a way for teachers and caregivers to process stress and nourish themselves. You'll begin with viloma breathwork to recalibrate your nervous system, then move through poses to counteract the effects of poor posture, bending, and lifting. Flow through dynamic pyramid and triangle shapes, find strength and expansion in shalabhasana and dhanurasana, then cool down with a twist supported by your bolster. Props Needed: A block. Props Suggested: Two additional blocks, a bolster, and a strap.


15 mins

According to the teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda, everything can be in service to our healing. Use this practice as a reminder to allow yourself to be in a space conducive to the processes and practices of wellness and recovery.


Level 1 20 mins

Overcome exhaustion and reinvigorate your body with a practice that stays low to your mat. You'll release your spine, increase circulation throughout your body, and reset your nervous system with gentle, reclined stretches. Props Suggested: A block, strap, and a blanket.


Level 1-2 15 mins

Stay gentle, focusing on receiving support as a caregiver. A light flow with hip openers to finish. Call upon the support of angels with the anchor of your breath. No need to put on a brave face. Honor where you are. Props Needed: A block and a blanket.


Level 1 30 mins

Have wrist issues or trouble doing things with or on your hands? This sequence may be used regularly to help build strength and flexibility in your wrists. Opens the shoulders and neck, and includes a restorative with a blanket. Have a block and a strap available if you like. <span class="legaldisclamer">The information contained on YogaGlo's website is of a general nature and cannot be a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. We urge you to consult with a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any physical activity, regimen, routine, program or exercise that may be presented in these materials. YogaGlo does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine.</span>


Level 1-2 45 mins

Those of us in a care-taker roll are often tired, stressed and worn-out, running on empty. This class offers a sanctuary in which to refuel and recharge. Simple sun salutations and standing postures to get things moving and restorative regenerative poses to finish with. Props Needed: Two blocks, wall space and a blanket.


Level 1-2 15 mins

This tutorial will guide students through Jodi's thorough sequence of wrist stretches and movements to free up the lower arms. Prop Suggested: Blanket to sit on.


Level 1-2 20 mins

Everyone feels drained from time to time. No matter the reason, it's so important to regularly make time to refill your own cup and take care of yourself. Relax into a gentle flow with restorative postures that will ease your body and calm your mind. Stretch out your entire body as you practice subtle breathwork within each posture, finishing with legs up the wall pose before relaxing into a blissed out savasana. Props Suggested: A block.

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